Major new product ‘CargoWise One’ released as company rebrands to WiseTech Global
CargoWise, the worldwide leader in global logistics operations technology and supplier of the popular ediEnterprise logistics platform, has announced the launch of CargoWise One, its next-generation software targeting global logistics operations. At the same time, the company is also rebranding itself to WiseTech Global (www.wisetechglobal.com) to show its association with CargoWise One, its technology focus, and its global reach.
Since its international release in 2006, WiseTech Global’s flagship product, ediEnterprise, has become synonymous with fast paced innovation within the logistics sector, growing to be the most frequently installed and used logistics execution product worldwide. Not content to rest on that success, WiseTech Global has pushed ahead with breakthrough innovations that have fed into the worldwide release of CargoWise One. CargoWise One features major advancements and huge productivity and capability breakthroughs over the market-leading capabilities that made ediEnterprise the software of choice for global and domestic logistics service providers.
CargoWise One is the logistics industry’s most advanced enterprise-class management system, with a deeply feature-rich set of vertical and horizontal, whole-of-enterprise capabilities that will provide comprehensive functionality for logistics execution needs across the supply chain. It will give logistics providers a significantly enhanced, globally capable platform designed to drive productivity, profitability, automation, supply chain compliance and global reach, as well as simplifying and improving integration and communication between partners, customers, suppliers, agents, and enabling regulatory compliance with customs, quarantine, supply chain security and dangerous goods authorities in an ever increasing number of countries across the globe.
CargoWise One delivers over 200 important new functional enhancements and 5 new major product capabilities in 23 languages, a substantial improvement over its award-winning predecessor. These improvements will give logistics service providers even greater ability to increase productivity and operational efficiency while improving customer services and driving down operational costs and error rates. Increased web integration, mobility and embedded device integration have been a major development focus; CargoWise One has been engineered to support all major browsers, consumer and ruggedized mobile devices and major operating systems, as well as supporting deep mobility and transport telematics integration through handheld and wrist-mounted devices and cabin mounted transport automation devices.
In conjunction with the launch, WiseTech Global has also announced the global rollout of its ground-breaking Logistics Device-as-a-Service program (LDaaS). A breakthrough first, LDaaS packages CargoWise One’s leading logistics management solution with the latest ruggedized hand held mobile and cabin mounted devices to give asset based transport and logistics providers a complete and affordable pay-as-you-go mobility solution with no upfront costs or term lock-in.
WiseTech Global CEO and CargoWise founder, Richard White, says “CargoWise One marks a new chapter in the evolution of logistics operations and management software. We constantly strive to build a pipeline of breakthrough innovations in order to drive real-world values for the logistics industry. CargoWise One is the culmination of years of behind the scenes work and creative endeavor and is our most powerful and comprehensive product yet. It gives our customers a powerful tool designed from the ground up for logistics service providers large and small, and has major improvements that drive productivity, functionality, integration, supply chain compliance and global reach.”
CargoWise One will be available to WiseCloud On Demand customers from the production release in mid-March, and shortly after to other On Demand Customers. For existing ediEnterprise customers and users, CargoWise One’s new intuitive and feature-rich design will allow experienced operators of ediEnterprise a backward-compatible user experience, yet offers simplified and faster navigation. For administrators it offers simple and complete migration without data loss or manual updates.
Says White, “We realized a long time ago we needed to meet, and beat, our competitors’ claims and marketing statements with real capabilities and high quality production software. But that was not enough, so we focused our development on game changing improvements most people believed impossible. CargoWise One puts WiseTech Global and our customers at the very forefront of logistics technology capability; however, we won’t rest there. We will continue to strive to create breakthrough innovations, and work tirelessly to improve our products and deliver further on our five key focal points: customer productivity, functionality, integration, supply chain compliance and global reach. With these goals and our track record in mind, our new CargoWise One product and our customers have a solid, high value roadmap into the future.”
Media Contact: Lisa Tree, lisa.tree@wisetechglobal.com
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