As we race towards the peak, festive period, many companies around the world are battling supply chain bottlenecks – from clogged ports to widespread shortages of key components – which show no signs of abating.
At the same time, there continues to be unprecedented consumer demand for goods, putting additional pressure on these already strained transport networks and infrastructure.
With over 5.3 million development hours invested in building our CargoWise platform, we are at the technological forefront in managing international and cross-border logistics, changes in trade patterns and evolving logistics regulations.
Our technology is purpose built to help you optimize export and import processes and get increased control over international compliance. Here’s a few of the latest Global Trade Management and Compliance features added to CargoWise.
Streamlined US Craft Beverage Modernization Act processing
Earlier this year, the US Customs and Border Protection deployed the Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) enhancements to the Automated Commercial Environment.
This allowed for reduced rates or credits on 92 tariff numbers under Chapter 22 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule, with seven data elements required to be submitted through the Automated Broker Interface on all entries claiming CBMA.
To streamline CBMA processing, CargoWise has been updated to enable the CBMA Flavor Content Indicator to be stored against Products. If ticked, this Indicator will default from the Product into the existing CBMA Flavor Content Credit Indicator field in both Customs Declaration Invoice Lines and Commercial Invoice Lines.
New Customs Automotive Production and Development Permits for South Africa
South Africa’s Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP) is a production incentive scheme aimed at promoting production volumes in the country’s motor vehicle industry. It’s designed to add value in the automotive component industry and create employment opportunities across South Africa’s automotive value chain.
To ensure compliance and speed-up processing times, the new ADPD permits can now be applied on a Customs Declaration in CargoWise. Once in a Declaration job, operators simply navigate to the Entry Instruction tab, where the Permits can be linked to the Entry Instruction.
Carta de Porte (Road Bill of Lading) enabled for Mexico
Earlier this year, the Tax Administration Service of the Mexican government announced that a new Carta de Porte requirement will be applied to all importation and exportation of goods in transit within Mexican territory.
With the change set to become effective on 1 January 2022, CargoWise now features a Carta de Porte for Mexico, alongside other countries where it has previously been required, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay.
Automatic import updates from Canada’s AIRS tool
The Automated Import Reference System (AIRS) shows the import requirements for Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulated commodities.
The CFIA regularly makes enhancements to AIRS, which is used by importers and brokers during the import declaration process, as part of ongoing efforts to improve client service and productivity.
CargoWise now has the capability to automatically import information directly into the AIRS tool. The system will default the classification code on the selected line into the AIRS tool, which can then be easily navigated to determine the requirements for the IID CFIA filing.
Want to centralize your global trade operations and strengthen your supply chain? Take a look at our Global Trade Management and Compliance functionality in CargoWise. Learn more
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