WiseTech Global Customers Benefit from Leading Edge Development to Satisfy New USCBP Requirements.
WiseTech Global has announced that its industry-leading, single-platform solution, CargoWise One, is fully capable of satisfying every compliance requirement of the US Customs and Border Protection's Automated Commercial Environmental (ACE) mandate, set to begin November 2015. With customers using WiseTech Global solutions to file ACE entries since August of 2011, the company has made seamless integration with ACE a high priority. The solution of choice for forward-looking customs brokers, CargoWise One's integrated Customs Brokerage solution has been significantly and continually enhanced in order to take full advantage of the added features and value that ACE brings.
In order to facilitate business and shorten the gaps in trade processes, the US Customs and Border Protection developed ACE over the last fifteen years to automate and optimize border processing. ACE also aims to increase security by better monitoring the movement of cargo to and from the country.
CargoWise One easily processes ACE's new EDI message formats as well as all the customs data and details ACE requires, allowing customs brokers to deliver their services in ways that were unimaginable working with the older ACS, or Automated Commercial System.
WiseTech Global customers have reported that CargoWise One easily and accurately submits their customs data into the ACE system, including ACE Entry Summaries, ACE Cargo Releases, and Post Summary Corrections. These companies not only report gaining increased productivity and efficiency throughout their operations, they are also now fully prepared every step of the way as additional ACE components are released.
"ACE is coming, and brokers who have not yet started participating in ACE are really putting themselves in a vulnerable position," says Craig Seelig, WiseTech Global's Product Manager for Customs and Government Compliance and a Trade Ambassador for the Trade Support Network (TSN). "This is particularly true if their current ABI software does not support ACE. We have put a great deal of effort into staying on the leading edge of every ACE development. We have been participating in all of the ACE pilot programs, are involved in all of the active working groups for new ACE development, and we attend the ACE Software Developer's conferences on a regular basis. Providing customs brokers the tools they need for success is our top priority."
Media Contact: Lisa Tree, lisa.tree@wisetechglobal.com
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