全部 公司新闻 客户 行业观点 产品新闻 全部 公司新闻 客户 行业观点 产品新闻 2025年3月3日 WiseTech Global to acquire Opentecnología S.A. Deepening our global customs capability in Latin America, WiseTech has entered into an agreement to acquire Opentecnología S.A., a leading customs and logistics technology business specializing in customs solutions tailored for the Colombian market. 更多内容 2025年2月27日 WiseTech Global and IQAX Enhances De Well Group’s Freight Forwarding Efficiency Through eBL Integration with CargoWise over GSBN Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) is supporting a collaboration between IQAX and WiseTech Global to streamline electronic Bill of Lading (eBL) processes within CargoWise in a pilot with De Well Group. 更多内容 2025年2月14日 Turkish Cargo makes eBookings more efficient and flexible for customers through direct data connection to CargoWise Turkish Cargo, the world’s third largest cargo airline, has joined the CargoWise Carrier Connectivity Program to enable freight forwarders to efficiently plan, book, confirm and manage shipments with the carrier, in real-time from within CargoWise. 更多内容 2025年1月7日 WiseTech Global to acquire ImpexDocs WiseTech Global has entered into an agreement to acquire ImpexDocs, provider of a suite of Global Trade Management (GTM) solutions to centralise, digitize and automate international trade workflow. 更多内容 2025年1月6日 What’s new in WiseTech Academy: January 2025 Take your logistics expertise to the next level with WiseTech Academy’s latest courses. Whether it's navigating GST exemptions in Australia, mastering U.S. export controls, or breaking into the global wine trade, these courses are designed to simplify complex regulations and keep your operations compliant and efficient. 更多内容 2024年12月17日 What’s new in WiseTech Academy WiseTech Academy has added a fresh lineup of courses designed to keep you at the forefront of industry developments. From mastering the EU’s ICS2 regulations, brushing up on the basics of customs entry compiling, or achieving an authorized economic operator status, these courses offer practical insights for staying competitive. 更多内容 2024年12月12日 WiseTech Global to acquire BSM Global WiseTech Global has entered into an agreement to acquire BSM Global, provider of global trade management (GTM) systems and solutions that connect companies with their trading partners globally. 更多内容 2024年9月9日 Logistics companies diversify to mitigate supply chain turbulence, but may be overconfident in ability to recover – research finds New research reveals that while logistics companies are taking steps to be more resilient to supply chain disruptions, they may be overconfident in their ability to respond. 更多内容 2024年8月14日 慧咨学院向公众开放 CargoWise 认证培训课程 CargoWise 认证、课程和支持内容现在可供公众免费使用。 更多内容 2024年7月2日 慧咨环球收购 Singeste - Sistemas de Informática,将全球海关功能应用扩展到葡萄牙 慧咨环球通过收购 Singeste - Sistemas de Informática 将其全球海关功能应用扩展至葡萄牙 更多内容 2024年4月8日 慧咨环球宣布收购 Aktiv Data 并将全球海关能力扩展至芬兰 慧咨环球已与芬兰电子海关和货运代理解决方案提供商 Aktiv Data 达成收购协议。 更多内容 2024年3月27日 Korean Air partners with DHL Global Forwarding for direct booking connection DHL Global Forwarding has successfully implemented a direct connection to Korean Air Cargo’s cargo booking system via CargoWise. 更多内容 2024年3月7日 Southeast Asia’s largest air cargo network, Teleport, offers direct data connection for eBookings in CargoWise Teleport, operator of the largest air logistics network within Southeast Asia, has joined the CargoWise Carrier Connectivity Program. 更多内容 2024年2月19日 WiseTech Global and avianca cargo partner to improve booking experience via CargoWise eBookings WiseTech Global and avianca cargo announce direct data integration, enabling freight forwarders to plan, book, confirm and manage shipments in real-time with the airline from within CargoWise. 更多内容 2024年1月16日 Cathay Cargo brings its Click & Ship booking to DHL Global Forwarding and DSV via the CargoWise platform More global forwarding companies are now able to plan, book, confirm and manage shipments in Cathay Cargo’s Click & Ship booking platform in real-time thanks to an application programming interface (API) link via the CargoWise logistics platform. 更多内容 2023年11月6日 WiseTech Global acquires Sistemas Casa to expand global customs capability into Mexico WiseTech Global acquires Sistemas Casa, a provider of customs and international trade software solutions in Mexico. Simplifies customs operations for global freight forwarders as Mexico emerges as nearshore manufacturing location for the U.S. 更多内容 2023年10月16日 ITA Airways Cargo and CargoWise direct data connection for ebookings ITA Airways today announced it has joined the WiseTech Global Carrier Connectivity Program that enables freight forwarders to efficiently plan, book, confirm and manage shipments with the carrier, in real-time from within the industry’s leading logistics execution platform CargoWise. 更多内容 2023年10月3日 WiseTech Global acquires MatchBox Exchange WiseTech Global has acquired MatchBox Exchange, provider of a breakthrough online open market platform for the reuse and exchange of shipping containers between operators in the landside logistics space. 更多内容 2023年6月27日 Let's Talk Supply Chain Q&A with Richard White Our CEO & Founder, Richard White, recently spoke to Sarah Barnes-Humphrey about WiseTech’s plans for the US landside logistics sector, the vision for CargoWise to be the operating system for global logistics, and why visibility means nothing if it doesn’t solve something. 立即播放 2023年3月20日 WiseTech Academy launches Diploma of International Freight Forwarding New flexible, affordable and effective online learning for a career as an international freight forwarder. 更多内容 2023年2月16日 WiseTech Global acquires Blume Global WiseTech Global today announces its acquisition of Blume Global, provider of a leading solution facilitating intermodal rail in North America. 更多内容 2023年1月24日 WiseTech Global acquires Envase Technologies leading North American landside logistics software platform WiseTech Global announces its acquisition of Envase Technologies, a leading provider of transport management system software for intermodal trucking, drayage (container haulage) and landside logistics in North America. 更多内容 2023年1月17日 WiseTech Academy First RTO to offer TLI50822 Diploma of Customs Broking Our online training arm is the first Registered Training Organization to be accredited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority to offer the updated TLI50822 Diploma of Customs Broking. 更多内容 2022年12月13日 CargoWise connects with IAG Cargo IAG Cargo now directly integrated with CargoWise enabling freight forwarders to book and manage shipments, in real-time from within the industry’s leading logistics execution platform. 更多内容 2022年11月2日 WiseTech Global acquires industry-leading data entry automation business Shipamax The Shipamax platform focuses on document data extraction and automating the full operational workflow using AI and machine learning. 更多内容 2022年10月26日 印度塔塔咨询服务公司(TCS)加入慧咨环球 CargoWise 服务合作伙伴计划,帮助物流企业实现业务数字化转型 TCS 加入 CargoWise 服务合作伙伴计划,支持物流提供商实现数字化转型目标。 更多内容 2022年9月27日 CargoWise 为加拿大航空货运公司客户提供更高效的电子订舱服务 加拿大航空货运公司成为北美首家与 CargoWise 直接数据集成的航空公司。 更多内容 2022年8月30日 芬兰航空货运和慧咨环球合作在 24 个国家/地区推出电子订舱服务 芬兰航空货运是北欧和波罗的海地区最大的航空货运公司之一,该公司与慧咨环球合作,使货运代理能够在 CargoWise 平台上,高效地进行货运的实时选择、订舱、确认和更改。 更多内容 2022年8月16日 Ocean Network Express 与 CargoWise 连接以实现自动数字费率传输 作为世界上最大的全球海运承运人之一,Ocean Network Express (ONE) 已通过 CargoWise 实现合同费率和全球价目表的自动数字传输。 更多内容 2022年8月3日 CargoWise 和以星合作提升客户体验 慧咨环球与世界上最大的集装箱航运公司之一以星综合航运有限公司合作,通过双方系统之间的直接数据连接提升客户体验。 更多内容 2022年7月1日 慧咨环球收购 Bolero.net Limited,扩大数字文档服务范围 慧咨环球宣布收购 Bolero.net Limited(简称“Bolero”)及其子公司。Bolero 是电子提单(eBL)和数字文档功能的卓越提供商,其宗旨是促进全球贸易。 更多内容 2022年3月29日 卡塔尔航空货运与慧咨环球展开电子订舱连接 今天,卡塔尔航空货运与慧咨环球宣布,双方全球操作系统之间的直接电子订舱解决方案已上线。 更多内容 2022年2月28日 CargoWise 与 WorldWide Alliance 扩大数据集成范围 专业从事散货运输的 WorldWide Alliance(WWA)与 CargoWise 开发商慧咨环球合作,进一步扩大对关键费率和运营数据的集成。 更多内容 2021年12月9日 新加坡航空公司与慧咨环球合作,共同打造实时电子订舱功能 新加坡航空公司与慧咨环球达成合作,在双方系统之间建立直接的电子订舱信息交互,为全球众多货运代理显著增加价值。 更多内容 2021年11月16日 CargoWise 与 MSC 直接数据连接上线 专业的物流执行解决方案提供商慧咨环球,与全球最大的集装箱承运人之一 MSC 地中海航运公司合作,在双方系统之间提供直接数据连接。 更多内容 2021年10月19日 汉莎货运航空与慧咨环球合作建立电子订舱连接 汉莎货运航空与慧咨环球将在双方系统间建立直接电子订舱连接,以加速全球物流服务平台 CargoWise 的用户的电子订舱流程。 更多内容 2021年9月13日 CargoWise 不断增长的直接电子订舱连接名单中新增阿联酋航空货运 CargoWise 和阿联酋航空货运联手推出全新的技术解决方案,为双方客户提升货运订舱流程的用户体验和效率。 更多内容 2021年8月11日 慧咨环球和卡塔尔航空货运公司实施直接数据连接 慧咨环球与全球领先的空运承运人卡塔尔航空货运公司,开始在其全球操作系统之间实施广泛的直接数据连接。 更多内容 2021年6月29日 通过与 illion 合作 CargoWise 增强了信用风险防范功能 数据分析公司 illion 与全球物流行业软件解决方案知名提供商慧咨环球合作,通过慧咨环球先进的物流平台 CargoWsie 提供高水平的信用报告服务。 更多内容 2021年4月22日 CargoWise partners with Kharon to boost sanctions and risk compliance CargoWise has partnered with Kharon, the research and data analytics company, to boost sanctions and risk compliance by offering CargoWise customers access to more precise intelligence. 更多内容 2021年4月20日 CargoWise and Etihad Cargo partnership provides direct integrated booking options CargoWise and Etihad Cargo, the cargo and logistics arm of the Etihad Aviation Group, have partnered to provide a seamless integration to Etihad Cargo’s international digital booking system. 更多内容 2021年3月23日 阪急阪神国际货运在全球网络实施 CargoWise 系统 日本跨国集团阪急阪神国际货运已与慧咨环球签约,在其全球物流网络全面部署物流操作平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2021年3月11日 deugro 实施 CargoWise 支持全球数字化战略 隶属于 deugro group 集团,专注于提供一站式方案的业内知名货运代理 deugro 于今日宣布,将全面导入实施慧咨环球的物流操作平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2020年10月26日 Aramex 全球同步实施 CargoWise 上线 全球知名的综合物流及运输解决方案提供商 Aramex,今日正式宣布要在其全球运营网络中,全面部署慧咨环球的一体化物流平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2020年10月7日 Seafrigo 全球部署 CargoWise 解决方案 Seafrigo 与慧咨环球联合宣布,将在 Seafrigo 全球 19 个国家和地区的业务站点部署基于云技术的物流集成操作平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2020年10月1日 cargo-partner 全球部署 CargoWise 解决方案 cargo-partner 与慧咨环球共同宣布,将在 cargo-partner 全球 40 个国家和地区的业务站点部署基于云技术的集成物流操作平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2020年9月15日 a. hartrodt 全球部署 CargoWise 解决方案 a. hartrodt 与慧咨环球联合宣布,将在 a. hartrodt 全球 100 多个业务站点部署基于云技术的集成物流操作平台 CargoWise,此项部署将惠及 2,000 多名物流人员。 更多内容 2020年9月7日 CEVA全球部署CargoWise解决方案 达飞集团(CMA CGM Group)旗下的 CEVA 物流(基华物流),作为全球运输和物流领域的领导企业,宣布在全球范围内部署集成物流操作平台 CargoWise。 更多内容 2020年5月27日 Hellmann 联合 CargoWise 加速数字化转型 Hellmann Worldwide Logistics(汉宏物流)宣布实施 CargoWise 系统,即慧咨环球的全球化集成物流解决方案。 更多内容 2020年3月20日 Our approach to COVID-19 As the world responds to COVID-19, we wanted to update you on the business continuity and health and safety control measures we have in place, and the high priority we are giving to these throughout this period. 更多内容 2020年1月7日 WiseTech Global acquires leading logistics solutions provider in Switzerland, SISA Studio Informatica SA WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of SISA Studio Informatica SA (SISA), a leading customs and freight forwarding solutions provider in Switzerland. 更多内容 2019年12月9日 WiseTech Global acquires South Korean customs solutions provider, Ready Korea Ready Korea is a leading customs, bonded warehouse and trade compliance solutions provider in South Korea. 更多内容 2019年8月19日 WiseTech Global acquires logistics solutions company, Depot Systems Depot Systems is the leading container yard/terminal management software provider in the US offering container yard management, and container maintenance and repair estimating. 更多内容 2019年4月29日 WiseTech Global acquires messaging solutions provider, Xware Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, today announced the acquisition of Xware, a leading messaging integration solutions provider in Sweden. 更多内容 2019年4月24日 Bolloré Logistics announces a strategic agreement to roll out CargoWise One globally Bolloré Logistics has signed a strategic agreement with logistics solutions group WiseTech Global 更多内容 2019年2月25日 WiseTech Global acquires leading container solutions provider, Containerchain Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, today announced the acquisition of Containerchain, a leading container optimisation solutions provider to the container shipping and landside container logistics communities in Asia Pacific, Europe and the United States. 更多内容 2019年1月31日 WiseTech Global acquires Norwegian customs solutions provider, Systema Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, today announced the acquisition of Systema AS, a leading customs management solutions provider in Norway. 更多内容 2018年10月31日 WiseTech Global acquires Swedish customs and logistics solutions provider, CargoIT Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, today announced the acquisition of CargoIT i Skandinavien (‘CargoIT’), a leading customs management and logistics solutions provider in Sweden. 更多内容 2018年10月17日 WiseTech Global acquires Parcel shipping and LTL TMS solution provider, SmartFreight Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, today announced the acquisition of IFS Global Holdings (‘SmartFreight’), a leading parcel and LTL (Less Than Truckload) shipping software provider. 更多内容 2018年10月16日 WiseTech Global acquires UK logistics management software provider, DataFreight WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of LSI Sigma Software (‘DataFreight’), a leading provider of customs, freight forwarding and warehouse management software solutions in the United Kingdom. 更多内容 2018年8月15日 WiseTech Global acquires US intermodal trucking TMS provider, Trinium WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Trinium Technologies, a leading provider of intermodal trucking transportation management systems (TMS) in the United States and Canada. 更多内容 2018年8月9日 WiseTech Global acquires leading Spanish customs solutions provider, Taric WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Taric, a leading customs management solutions provider in Spain. 更多内容 2018年7月11日 WiseTech Global signs distribution agreement with 3Gtms WiseTech Global today announced an international distribution agreement with 3Gtms, a multi-modal domestic transportation management system provider. 更多内容 2018年6月20日 WiseTech Global acquires US parcel shipping TMS provider, Pierbridge WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Pierbridge, a leading parcel shipping transportation management solution (TMS) provider in the United States. 更多内容 2018年6月8日 WiseTech Global acquires Canadian customs solutions provider, Fenix WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Fenix Data Systems, a leading customs management solutions provider in Canada. 更多内容 2018年5月28日 WiseTech Global acquires US specialist LTL TMS provider, SaaS Transportation WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of SaaS Transportation, a specialist US transport management solutions provider for Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipping. 更多内容 2018年5月17日 WiseTech Global acquires Turkish logistics and customs solutions provider, Ulukom WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Ulukom, a leading logistics and customs solutions provider in Turkey. 更多内容 2018年4月23日 WiseTech Global acquires three leading logistics solution providers across Latin America and Europe WiseTech Global today announced acquisitions of three leading logistics solutions providers: Forward, Softcargo and EasyLog 更多内容 2018年3月13日 WiseTech Global acquires Netherlands-based logistics software provider, LSP Solutions WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of LSP Solutions (LSP), a leading provider of customs and warehouse management solutions in the Netherlands. 更多内容 2018年3月8日 Hapag-Lloyd Launches Digital Rate Distribution on CargoSphere CargoSphere, the cloud-based rate management platform, has announced a direct data feed of ocean rates and tariffs for global trade lanes from Hapag-Lloyd. 更多内容 2018年2月9日 WiseTech Global expands Asian operations with office in Japan WiseTech Global has opened an office in Tokyo to expand its growing operations in Asia. 更多内容 2018年2月7日 WiseTech Global acquires Belgian logistics solutions provider, Intris Global logistics solutions group, WiseTech Global, acquires Belgian logistics solutions provider, Intris 更多内容 2017年12月20日 WiseTech Global acquires ABM Data Systems and CustomsMatters Global logistics software group, WiseTech Global, acquires two leading European customs solutions providers, ABM Data Systems (pan-Europe) and CustomsMatters (Ireland) 更多内容 2017年12月13日 WiseTech Global acquires warehouse management solutions provider, Microlistics WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of Microlistics, a leading provider of warehouse management solutions encompassing enterprise, express, cold storage and third party logistics. 更多内容 2017年11月30日 WiseTech Global launches border compliance engine, BorderWise WiseTech Global has announced the launch of a powerful and comprehensive border compliance engine, BorderWise. 更多内容 2017年9月22日 ECU Worldwide Launches EDI Interface with CargoWise One Direct connection of ECU Worldwide to the CargoWise One platform enables greater productivity. 更多内容 2017年9月12日 WiseTech Global acquires two leading global rate management solution providers, Cargoguide and CargoSphere WiseTech Global Limited today announced acquisitions of two global rate management solution providers: Netherlands-based Cargoguide, a leading provider of global air freight rate management solutions and US-based CargoSphere, a leading provider of global ocean freight rate management solutions. 更多内容 2017年8月14日 WiseTech Global acquires Australasian land transport solution provider, CMS WiseTech Global today announced the acquisition of CMS Transport Systems (CMS), a leading provider of integrated road transport and logistics management systems across Australia and New Zealand. 更多内容 2017年8月11日 WiseTech Global acquires leading Taiwanese forwarding and customs solutions provider, Prolink WiseTech Global announced the acquisition of Prolink, a market leader in customs and forwarding compliance solutions in Taiwan. 更多内容 2017年8月9日 WiseTech Global acquires Australasian specialist tariff compliance software provider, Digerati WiseTech Global announced the acquisition of the Digerati business (Digerati), a leading provider of tariff research and compliance tools utilised by the Australasian customs broking community. 更多内容 2017年7月5日 WiseTech Global to acquire Brazil’s largest customs solution provider, Bysoft Today, global logistics software group, WiseTech announced the acquisition of Bysoft, the largest provider of automated customs solutions to the logistics industry across Brazil. 更多内容 2017年6月4日 WiseTech Global and C.T. Freight to progress logistics industry innovation with Development Partner Initiative The development initiative will focus on innovation in productivity, global integration, and automation. 更多内容 2017年5月29日 WiseTech Global and UPS to advance logistics industry innovation with new Development Partner Initiative in Asia Pacific This initiative will focus on innovation in customs productivity, global integration and automation across the supply chain. 更多内容 2017年4月12日 NCBFAA Educational Institute Joins WiseEducation Partner Program Collaboration with WiseTech Global provides CargoWise One training and certification for NEI Veterans to Trade students. 更多内容 2017年2月9日 Global logistics software group, WiseTech Global, acquires Italian customs solutions provider, ACO Informatica Today, global logistics software group, WiseTech announced the acquisition of ACO Informatica, a leading provider of customs compliance and customs warehouse solutions to the logistics industry across Italy. 更多内容 2017年1月30日 Global Logistics Software Group, WiseTech Global, Acquires German Customs Solutions Provider, znet Group GmbH Today, global logistics software group, WiseTech announced the acquisition of znet group (znet), a leading provider of customs solutions across Germany. 更多内容 2016年8月11日 WiseTech Global Investor Relations campaign wins Gold Stevie Award in the 2016 International Business Awards Judges at the 13th Annual International Business Awards today awarded the 2016 Gold Stevie for ‘Communications Program of the Year – Investor Relations’ to the innovative investor relations campaign led by OxStone for the IPO of WiseTech Global in April this year. 更多内容 2016年5月23日 Pitney Bowes Location Technology Selected by WiseTech Global for Use in its CargoWise One Platform Pitney Bowes Spectrum Technology Platform selected for advanced GeoEnrichment data capabilities to deliver valuable location insights. 更多内容 2016年5月3日 WiseTech Global Acquires CCN Australia, Distributor of CCN - A Strategic Link in Air Cargo Technology Leading logistics industry solutions provider WiseTech Global Limited, has acquired Australia and New Zealand airline messaging distributor, Cargo Community Network Pty Ltd (CCN Australia). 更多内容 2016年3月21日 WiseTech Global Customers Leading Adoption of ACE PGAs US Customs Brokers using CargoWise One continue to lead early adoption of ACE functionality. 更多内容 2016年2月2日 CargoWise One Fully Compliant with New Zealand Trade Single Window Initiative WiseTech Global customers benefit from industry-leading development to meet NZCS requirements. 更多内容 2015年10月29日 Just Do It Co, Ltd. Becomes WiseBusiness Partner Partnership empowers regional logistics providers with access to superior technology. 更多内容 2015年10月12日 WiseTech Global Announces Union with Core Freight Systems WiseTech Global, the technology development company behind the industry-leading supply chain solution CargoWise One, is pleased to announce it has joined forces with Core Freight Systems in order to provide a more powerful and complete solution to South African logistics providers. 更多内容 2015年9月14日 Innovalaciones Joins the WiseBusiness Partner Program Company to provide greater access to CargoWise One for logistics operators in Mexico. 更多内容 2015年7月28日 CargoWise One Ready for CBP Partner Government Agency Pilots Pilot program set to begin August 19 for major component of ACE 更多内容 2015年4月22日 WiseTech Global Raises $80M Funding Capacity to Accelerate Growth Ahead of Planned IPO WiseTech Global Pty Ltd, the company behind the leading SaaS based supply chain execution platform CargoWise One, has announced it has raised a total of $80M in funding to accelerate growth ahead of its planned IPO. 更多内容 2015年4月7日 WiseTech Global Partners with Bysoft in Brazil Local Logistics Providers to gain greater ease of access to CargoWise One's global capabilities. 更多内容 2015年3月14日 WiseTech Global Reports Increase in New Business as Customs Brokers Prepare for ACE CargoWise One Continues as the Preferred Platform for Customs House Brokers 更多内容 2015年1月25日 Nectia Solutions Joins WiseTech Global Partner Programs South America Region to Benefit from Chilean-based Provider's CargoWise One Expertise 更多内容 2015年1月21日 CargoWise One Continues Advancement of ACE Compliance Solutions WiseTech Global Customers Benefit from Leading Edge Development to Satisfy New USCBP Requirements. 更多内容 2014年10月24日 SBNTEX and WiseTech Global Join Forces in India Partnership brings productivity and integration to regional markets in India and neighboring countries. 更多内容 2014年8月25日 WiseTech Global Launches World-First Supply Chain Education Program Leading logistics software developer partners with top universities and training institutions to offer students industry-ready technology training. 更多内容 2014年8月21日 New Business Partnership Gives Eastern European Logistics Providers the Keys to Productivity WiseTech Global and e-Novator join forces to provide the Eastern European supply chain with a solution to stay globally and regionally competitive. 更多内容 2014年5月27日 ACS Logistics Achieves 20 Percent Productivity Increase Following Implementation of Single-Platform System WiseTech Global gives Austrian logistics specialist the tools for steady growth, improved services and a platform to compete with the multi-nationals 更多内容 2014年5月21日 Single-platform software key to global integration cites Royal Cargo Combined Logistics, Inc. Leading logistics provider, Royal Cargo, finds single-platform software system the key to successful global growth and worldwide integration. 更多内容 2014年5月15日 Axline brings CargoWise One to Chinese logistics providers New regional business partner puts leading logistics management system within easy reach for logistics providers across Greater China 更多内容 2014年4月12日 New partnership puts global capabilities in reach for Italian logistics providers WiseTech Global partners with ACO Informatica to offer leading supply chain software, CargoWise One, to the Italian market 更多内容 2014年4月8日 WiseTech Global simplifies transition to Japan Customs AFR compliance Leading supply chain software gives industry a head start as Japan implements new customs laws 更多内容 2014年3月2日 CargoWise One set to revolutionize logistics services industry Major new product ‘CargoWise One’ released as company rebrands to WiseTech Global 更多内容 2014年1月27日 CargoWise's commitment to carbon reduction sees significant success WiseTech Global achieves carbon neutrality for second year running following sustained efforts in energy efficiency across its global offices 更多内容 2014年1月27日 WiseTech Global opens its doors to support the next generation of IT professionals Australia’s brightest high-school IT students invited to WiseTech Global’s Sydney head office in support of the National Computer Science School summer program 更多内容 2014年1月19日 New partnership with DPS Logistics aids CargoWise expansion into Latin America Latin American supply chain set to benefit from business partnership between regional logistics specialist and world-class logistics software provider. 更多内容 2013年11月19日 Zinnovate joins growing CargoWise partner network Global expansion of leading supply chain software service programs continues as logistics industry heavyweight joins in new partnership 更多内容 2013年11月7日 WiseTech Global launches LDaaS: a groundbreaking software and device concept for the ANZ logistics industry LDaaS, Logistics Device-as-a-Service, is set to make mobility affordable for ANZ logistics businesses looking to maximize operational productivity and management efficiency. 更多内容 2013年11月4日 Walker SCM Set To Go Above and Beyond With CargoWise Supply chain specialists to deliver competitive advantage to customers through leading logistics software 更多内容 2013年10月26日 Airflo B.V. moves into a new era with CargoWise Automation and customs links help specialist flower exporter to bloom 更多内容 2013年10月21日 CargoWise offers integrated eManifest Canadian customs capability Software’s seamless integration with new customs regulations set to increase productivity and efficiency for CargoWise’s Canadian customers. 更多内容 2013年10月9日 American Cargocare Controls Costs with CargoWise Cloud-based data access and streamlined accounting proves a winning combination 更多内容 2013年9月28日 VS Logistics Increase Productivity with CargoWise Software Dutch freight forwarder benefits from eLearning services to facilitate rapid deployment of the cloud-based logistics software solution. 更多内容 2013年9月28日 A.R.T. Logistics Prepares for Rapid Growth with CargoWise Specialist multimodal enhances global capabilities in time for major expansion 更多内容 2013年8月27日 CargoWise announces CMA CGM Logistics, a CMA CGM Group subsidiary, will adopt ediEnterprise Global logistics powerhouse to adopt ediEnterprise in 50 countries by close of 2014 更多内容 2013年8月12日 A.G.O. Transportation Gains Productivity and Flexibility with ediEnterprise eLearning and WiseCloud enable quick implementation for Canadian freight forwarder 更多内容 2013年8月10日 Geodis Wilson Live in 22 Countries with CargoWise Freight management powerhouse transitions 3,600 users to CargoWise software 更多内容 2013年7月7日 Neon Freight Launches with CargoWise On demand pricing enables UK start-up to take on the big end of town 更多内容 2013年7月1日 Venture Logistics Plans to Expand Using CargoWise Warehousing provider boosts productivity, customer service and data visibility with ediEnterprise 更多内容 2013年6月24日 Cargo Brokers International Automates Processes with CargoWise Atlanta-based freight-forwarder aims for a paperless office by 2014 更多内容 2013年6月22日 JAS Worldwide Adopts CargoWise to Launch Project Everest JAS commits to a multi-year, productivity-boosting software rollout across all offices globally 更多内容 2013年6月17日 Skyfer Logistic Grows Quickly with CargoWise eLearning the key to the rapid adoption of ediEnterprise by Canadian forwarder 更多内容 2013年5月29日 IFS Group Launches CargoWise in Lima Cloud computing seals the deal for CargoWise’s first Peruvian customer 更多内容 2013年5月26日 Forwarders Defy the Downturn in Europe with CargoWise WiseCloud and eLearning boost customer confidence throughout EMEA 更多内容 2013年5月21日 Forwarders Strive to Improve Productivity with CargoWise in Asia ediEnterprise assists LSPs to adapt to rapidly-changing economic climate 更多内容 2013年5月19日 CargoWise Captures the Upswing in IT Spend in the Americas Success for CargoWise in the Americas goes well beyond the US borders 更多内容 2013年4月23日 CargoWise Cloud Delivery Keeps Business Lean and Agile WiseCloud for ediEnterprise fuels ACS Logistics’ rapid and ambitious expansion plans 更多内容 2013年4月17日 CargoWise Sees Rapid Growth in Russia and Eastern Europe Russian Partner RBC Takes on More Staff in Response to Customer Wins 更多内容 2013年4月13日 ediEnterprise in WiseCloud Boosts Efficiency Across Scandinavia Security and reliability key drivers for adoption of WiseCloud 更多内容 2013年4月9日 ASG Wind Transport Embraces ediEnterprise's eLearning eLearning speeds rapid expansion for CargoWise’s first Romanian customer 更多内容 2013年4月7日 CargoWise Congratulates NCBFAA's Honor Student Diego Hernandez top graduate of CCS class of 2012 更多内容 2013年3月17日 CargoWise Powers Asian Expansion APC Logistics AB goes live in Taiwan with ediEnterprise; building toward 300-strong global rollout 更多内容 2013年3月5日 Counting on the Cloud Key questions to ask when considering Cloud software services 更多内容 2013年3月3日 Simarco Boosts Customer Service with ediEnterprise UK-based Freight Forwarder Adopts WMS Module from CargoWise’s ediEnterprise 更多内容 2013年2月26日 CargoWise Set to Expand in Sri Lanka Colombo-based distribution partner Asvinta to support growth in Asia 更多内容 2013年2月19日 CargoWise Cloud Solution Supports Rapid Growth New Delhi-based Transpole Logistics expands into Asia with ediEnterprise 更多内容 2013年2月17日 Central Shipping Selects CargoWise in Ireland Dublin-based air freight specialists set to adopt ediEnterprise in the cloud 更多内容 2013年2月5日 Jetsea Logistics Adopts ediEnterprise in the Cloud Productivity pressures lead to increased implementations of ediEnterprise in Singapore 更多内容 2013年1月29日 VBE Group Launches New Services with CargoWise Technology ediEnterprise enables Netherlands-based VBE Group to compete with much larger competitors 更多内容 2013年1月22日 Industry Innovation Celebrated in London CargoWise customers recognized across multiple categories at the annual BIFA Awards 更多内容 2012年12月17日 CargoWise Declared UK Customs Fallback Ready ediEnterprise customers in the UK will be the first to take advantage of fallback 更多内容 2012年12月16日 Working to Your Strengths How to use what you already have to get the most from your IT investments 更多内容 2012年12月11日 CargoWise Customer Base Continues to Expand in South Africa ediEnterprise boosts productivity for mid-sized freight forwarder Global Logistics Alliance 更多内容 2012年11月25日 Technology Is Changing Face of Domestic Transport Online retailing is just another example of a general trend that technology has empowered for centuries: As we get more sophisticated we find ways of delivering greater choices at lower costs. 更多内容 2012年11月20日 Geodis Wilson Scoops Innovation Award An ambitious project to centralize customer data achieves industry recognition 更多内容 2012年11月18日 CargoWise Expands In Mexican Market Hosted ediEnterprise platform boosts performance for Monterrey-based Evolucion Logistics 更多内容 2012年11月11日 Lynden Adopts CargoWise to Future Proof its New Belgium Operations Hosted ediEnterprise Operating Platform Makes Headway in Europe 更多内容 2012年10月28日 CMA CGM Logistics Rolls Out CargoWise ediEnterprise Cost-effective, flexible and functional, ediEnterprise supports global expansion 更多内容 2012年10月14日 CargoWise Growth Exceeds Expectations Ongoing commitment to innovation, research and development pays growth dividends 更多内容 2012年10月7日 Geodis Wilson Boosts Productivity by 25 percent with CargoWise Global freight management company consolidates on single global database 更多内容 2012年9月30日 RIM Logistics Expands with ediEnterprise Hosted Software Speed of delivery makes hosted software a natural choice for rapid expansion 更多内容 2012年9月25日 CargoWise Cracks the Middle Eastern Market Partnership with ATMS allows for rapid expansion into the Middle-East 更多内容 2012年9月24日 Accurate Data Collaboration is the Key to Partner Communications Strengthen relationships and benefit from seamless freight forwarding processes 更多内容 2012年9月12日 Hosted Software Proves a Winner in South Asia HTL Logistics achieves rapid multi-country deployment of ediEnterprise 更多内容 2012年8月29日 CargoWise Continues Expansion into Mainland China Hong Kong based S-Cargo Group consolidates Asian operations with ediEnterprise 更多内容 2012年7月30日 DSV Continues Global Implementation with CargoWise International operation expands to 3500 licenses 更多内容 2012年7月22日 CargoWise Acquires Domestic Transport Software Vendor TransLogix CargoWise® has extended its reach into domestic logistics with the acquisition of transport and logistics software pioneer TransLogix. 更多内容 2012年7月8日 Senator International Goes Live with Hosted ediEnterprise Platform First phase of European implementation launched in Switzerland 更多内容 2012年5月26日 M.E. Dey Implements CargoWise Software Solution ediEnterprise Platform Chosen to Enable Innovation and Growth 更多内容 2012年5月20日 Infinity Cargo Express Implements CargoWise Software Solution New Technology to Further Hong Kong Forwarder's Push for Higher Value Business 更多内容 2012年4月29日 CargoWise to Bring Microsoft’s SQL2012 to Global Logistics Industry CargoWise Named Among First Independent Software Vendors to Launch SQL2012 更多内容 2012年4月28日 CargoWise announces NCBFAA/NEI Award Winner Alcoa’s Debra Norsworthy Named 2011 CCS Program Highest Acheivement Recipient 更多内容 2012年4月21日 Sweden’s ITS Live with CargoWise’s Hosted Software Solution CargoWise Expands Presence in Northern European Market 更多内容 2012年4月15日 CargoWise Continues North American Expansion in Canada Release of Canadian Customs House Brokerage Advances Growth 更多内容 2012年2月26日 CargoWise to Provide Technology Platform for Tigers Limited ediEnterprise to be Implemented Across Company Resulting from Merger of WLG and Kamino 更多内容 2012年2月14日 CargoWise Signs Agreement with Lasso Logistics ediEnterprise Enables Big Thinkers to Become Big Acheivers 更多内容 2012年2月13日 CargoWise Signs Agreement with Unimasters Logistics Expands Further into European Road Haulage Market 更多内容 2012年1月3日 CargoWise Moves into Road Transport with Dimotrans S.A. Agreement Hosted System Rolled Out in France Establishes CargoWise as Major European Supplier 更多内容 更多