Drawback entry summaries are filed for the purpose of obtaining a refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes and fees collected upon the importation of goods.

Drawback is paid based on the exportation or destruction of imported merchandise, or a valid substitute, and is a part of the import business that not every customs broker may feel equipped to handle.

Using our deeply integrated logistics execution platform, CargWise, you can capture the data you need to create a drawback summary file, perform complex calculations and then submit it directly in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).

Need to file duty drawback claims in ACE? Here’s five ways you can get started with CargoWise.

Step 1

Begin a new drawback by inputting the basic header information in CargoWise, including the drawback applicant, the drawback type and any additional information regarding the claim you’re about to file.

Step 2

You can add the details of the drawback in several ways. If the original entries already exist in CargoWise, you can quickly search and import all the entry lines that are going to be on the claim. In the event that the electronic data isn’t available, it’s just as easy to manually enter the drawback information.

Step 3

CargoWise’s import wizard further increases your operators’ productivity, since the data file can be automatically transferred into the drawback file containing both the import and export details. Once completed, CargoWise will perform the necessary calculations and prepare to send the file to the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) via ACE.

Step 4

Once all the data is entered and you’re ready to submit the drawback filing to CBP, simply select the option to send. CargoWise will forward the electronic file and print all of the CBP forms associated with the drawback, in the event these records may be required for drawbacks filed in ACE.

Step 5

Sending the filing electronically speeds up the drawback process and helps decrease the time it takes to get a refund back to your client, which is a streamlined service you can now provide as a standard in your business.

Want to accelerate the speed and accuracy of your customs clearance processes? Create, manage and clear your import and export customs declarations in more than 30 countries with CargoWise. Learn more

Need help optimising your productivity with CargoWise? Our global CargoWise Partner network helps customers of all sizes implement and configure CargoWise to suit your business needs. Find out how

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